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Thursday, February 05, 2004
This is the song...

that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...

*decides to stop singing before she drives away all people who have ever had any interest in anything she has to say*

I should have titled this "This is the controversy that never ends..." because it's about the backlash that's come about from the janet&Justin show at the SuperBowl. Remember the SuperBowl? It was that last pro football game for the season that we had on Sunday? No, you don't remember? Well, of course you don't. No one has talked about what an absolutely incredible edge of the seat, yelling at the television ("No! Not ANOTHER 2-point conversion!!!"), grabbing your third caffeinated soda of choice in an hour type of game it was.

Heck, no one's even talking about the commercials either. Sad, isn't it? Even when the game is *bad* people talk about the commercials. There was even an overweight streaker in a sparkly g-string and no one's talking about *him* either... and he was tackled by a linebacker before security got to him. That alone should have been talked up greatly. The janet&Justin show changed all that. The economics of the whole situation is mind-blowing too when you consider all the large companies that are involved in this.

Where shall I start?

Well... TiVo is probably trying to hide under a rug at the statements that they made that this was the most TiVo'd event ever. Hrm... spyware on a TiVo box? I didn't know usage stats were sent back, and I suspect a great many of the users in question didn't know this either.

AOL wants a refund. Yup. In case you didn't know, they put up $7.5 million to be the exclusive sponsor of what was supposed to be the Half-Time show, and to have rebroadcast rights on their online services. Now they can't re-broadcast it... so they're going to sue for their money back. As much as I hate AOL, I hope they win.

Pepsi is upset. Mostly because people are talking about the Janet&Justin show instead of the commercials. They're threatening to pull ALL of their ads for next year unless they have iron-clad assurances that anything close to this isn't going to happen again. A quote from a Pepsi representative: "It speaks to our extreme disappointment that all that quality work has been overshadowed" Pepsi-Co owns the brands Frito-Lay and Sierra Mist besides the obvious flagship Pepsi.

Well... they *should* be concerned. Fox Network has the broadcast rights to the SuperBowl next year, and Fox is not known for their discretion.

It sounds like MTV has lost all chances of ever producing another Half-Time show after they pre-empted it with the Crotch-Grabbing, Flag-Poncho'd, janet&Justin show.

The FCC is going to be investigating the ENTIRE 13 minute fiasco. Apparently it's not a good thing when the president of the FCC is watching the game at home with his small children present.... and has a TiVo box as well... and starts getting more complaints about why isn't he doing anything about Kid Rock wearing the United States Flag as a poncho. Somewhere in there has to be a couple of FCC violations and a federal charge too. Desecration of the US Flag is still illegal last time I checked.

Poor CBS. Just when they were reaching the top of their game with the most Emmys for a single show last year, and the most watched show, this had to happen. They're going to be fined big time by the FCC, I'm sure, and will probably countersue Ms. Jackson. And I hear they're going to share the depletion of wealth with all the affliates too - that's going to go over well for those who had no control over a live event that their network fed to them... Then, of course, is the complete embarrassment of having to put Sunday's live Grammy broadcast on a five minute delay. That's right folks, five MINUTES. They don't want to take *any* chances.

Poor John Wells and artistic freedom in context of appropriate situations. John Wells, for those who don't know, is the executive producer of 'ER' and 'The West Wing'. NBC made the order on Wells to excise a two second shot of the breast of an elderly female patient that would be receiving emergency procedures in a sequence that would air after 10:30pm on Thursday night. *This* Thursday night. Talk about last minute editing. Everyone's too gun shy about the janet&Justin show to let this one happen so soon afterward. I wonder what else on the television landscape is going to change as a result? Shall we go back to twin beds for married couples... or are we just not going to show bedrooms at all?

And then, of course, will Ms. Jackson even get stage time at the Grammys? They're still re-considering that one - the latest of the news reports says she's been stricken from the entertainment roster. And they're still thinking about Justin's performance time at the Grammys. The NFL has already weighed in - they cancelled another N*sync member's planned performance at the ProBowl.

This is most likely having some political ramifications as well. *Here's where I break my promise about not talking about the presidential election.* Democratic nominee hopeful Howard Dean commented on the janet&Justin show - he's wondering what the big fuss is all about considering everything else that's out on television. Um, Howard... you've slipped in the polls and just commented on something that an awful lot of people are really steamed about - did you really mean to go against popular opinion? And yes, I think you're going to lose Wisconsin because of it. Thanks for playing, Howard, but we don't have any lovely parting gifts for you. Not even a scrapbook of your press clippings. *reinstates the no politics vow*

Justin (of janet&Justin show fame) says that he was used. That he wasn't at any of the rehearsals except the last one... that it was supposed to be a reveal of a red lace bra... that it was a 'wardrobe malfunction'. If I never hear those two words together again, I'll die happy. Oh and Ms. Jackson has admitted that she knew all about it, and planned it out after final rehearsal. This I believe. She states that CBS, MTV and the NFL knew nothing about it. This I also believe. She states that it was an incident that turned out differently than planned. This I do *not* believe...

...can anyone say New Album from Recording Artist with Flagging Career? *nods* Yeah, I thought you could.