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Friday, April 06, 2012
WIPocalypse 2012... The April 2012 post...
...So, here we are again, ready to report progress for the WIPocalypse. I'm sad to say that I don't think I got as much done as I wanted on Celestial Dragon, but it's still a considerable amount of progress nonetheless.

Before we get started, we lost a participant this month, as many of you know. She passed rather suddenly, and it was a shock to me when I learned it. It still is a shock to me. To wit, I dedicate my post this month to Carol of Carol's Needle Sketches. You will be missed Carol.

Now, onto the progress.

Remember, this is what he looked like last time we visited.

Here is what he's looking like today:

Not too shabby, eh? He's filling out nicely, and is SO sparkly. My apologies for the shiny spot in the middle - that's a reflection from behind the fabric of my mesh bag that was sitting on my stand.

Meanwhile, that's not all I worked on. Happy Sock is still in progress! I expected that I might be up to the heel by the time this check in rolled around. I was more than right.

(sorry for the blur)

I've turned the heel and am working up the leg. This makes me happy, and I'll have a new pretty and bright pair of socks shortly. Then I can start a scarf or something.

I've also started thinking about what else I might want to do for WIPocalypse as a new start. I recently picked up Mirabilia's Silver Moon Tea, but I've got Villa Mirabilia sitting and waiting for me, and I'm thinking that might be the one. We'll see - there's still time to start something new.

So, that's it for now. Happy Stitching everyone!
