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Monday, January 23, 2006
The Rule Of Four...

...No, I'm not going to talk about that book, although it is a very good one. It's a meme... I think it's the first one I've done this year. Ok, maybe the second, but I still think it's very good.

And I saw it over on an All Natural Lunatic's blog who got it from someone who has an Alternate Dementia

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Bagging mudworms and nightcrawlers (live bait) for fishermen
2. Marketing Communications Specialist
3. Inventory Manager
4. Business Analyst

Four movies I would watch over and over again:
1. The Goodbye Girl
2. Say Anything
3. Princess Bride
4. Lethal Weapon
...and there are so many more, but these are the four that immediately came to mind

Four places I have lived:

1. Vallejo, California
2. Moraga, California
3. San Jose, California
4. Campbell, California
I think I might have to move someday just to have something other than California in a question like this

Four TV shows I love to watch:

1. Battlestar Galactica
2. 24
3. CSI
4. Mythbusters
...and there are more, believe me, there are more...

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Park City, Utah (during Sundance, and hey! It's that time of year again...)
2. Anaheim, California (Disneyland)
3. Qamea, Fiji
4. Portland, Oregon

Four websites I visit daily:

1. General Protection Fault
2. Google News (several times a day)
3. Neopets
4. Go Fug Yourself

Four of my favourite foods:
1. Pasta - lasagna, mostly
2. Singapore style fried rice noodles (hold the shrimp)
3. Chocolate
4. French fries
sing with me, everyone, to the Monty Python 'Spam' song: carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs...

Four places I'd rather be right now

1. Home Stitching
2. Already in Park City
3. Australia
4. Fiji

Four people I am tagging:
Um... you want to be tagged? Go for it... I have lists longer than 4 people, and if I leave it to just four someone will cry that I don't love them anymore, and I'd rather not have that hassle...