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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thanksgiving is Almost Here...

...Again, we have bloggitis interruptus. My original topic will slide to next week. Today I have more pressing concerns.

I. Am. Sick.

No, no you evil people. Not mentally. Physically. It started sometime yesterday with a bunch of sneezing, and then my left ear hurt. That's when I realized that the left side of my throat hurt and the left side of my nose was stuffy and running alternately. Sinuses. Ugh.

Today, after being medicated with some Nyquil, I'm sitting in my office, working the numbers as quickly and accurately as I can so that I can go home really early and sleep until it's time to make some pie. I've got my green tea, and my throat still hurts, but not nearly as much as it did yesterday. But it protests loudly when I try and speak. It's a good thing it's the day before Thanksgiving here, because very few people will be in the office, and I won't have to speak to them.

My nose is still stuffy and productive (sorry for the visual folks), but I'm managing to survive. I've got my glasses on, so when I get home, they're hitting the nearest table and I'm gonna snooze. And I'm not the only one sick - my little one has been coughing and coughing - for almost a week.

So there you have it folks - I'm hoping against hope that I'll be well in time for Thanksgiving, but it's not looking good. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, for those who are having Thanksgiving tomorrow. For those who aren't? Have a great rest of the week, and I'll be back next week.