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Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Musing on Movies...

... and what do you know, I forgot about a couple of Musing on Movies entries from weeks past, so I’m going to lump them all together here now. Except the most recent one, which I’ll save for tomorrow or something...

**Rumbly in my tumbly**

"As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again."
~~Gone With the Wind

What is your favorite movie snack? Do you usually get something to eat and/or drink at the theater, or is it a rare treat? What snack (if any) do you usually eat while watching a movie at home?

Oooo. Hands down, the favorite movie snack is popcorn. Absolutely and no doubt about it. Unless you have peanut M&Ms handy, in which case, popcorn might go out the window for the pure delight of chocolate.

I wouldn’t say that popcorn at the movies is a rare treat – I tend to get popcorn when I go to the theatre, which isn’t all that often, with the exception of the 50 cent movie show on Saturday mornings. And 10am seems a little early in the morning to be eating popcorn (says the woman who will eat cold pizza with everything at 6am)

When at home, popcorn is definitely the way to go, since I don’t keep peanut M&Ms on hand as a staple in the pantry. And it shouldn’t be a staple – if it were, then we’d have problems. Or at least I’d have a problem or two – meaning, children eating my M&Ms and me putting on weight from hoarding them for myself. And then there’s the risk of cavities. But that aside, it’s still popcorn. Usually air popped, no butter, but salt and parmesan cheese are definitely present.

**To a theater near you**
"With such expert playacting, you make this very room a theater."
~~North by Northwest
Movie trailers: some love them, others loathe them. What do you think of them? Do you make it a point to arrive in time to see them, or do you try hard to walk into the theater after they're over? Do you ever watch/download them on the internet? There is even a television show that that only shows movie trailers. Do you watch that show, or would you if it was available in your area?

I love movie trailers. Movie trailers are a most wonderful thing, but I’d prefer that they stay together at the movies, or for commercials and not in one television show. If I want to invest my time watching something that’s about a movie, then I’ll find an hour long special on the making of something that I’ve enjoyed over the years, or pull out a DVD that’s got it’s own making of documentary.

I always make sure that I make it to the movies on time to see the trailers – because sometimes it gives you an interesting feel to what the movie is going to feel like in the theatre. You have to understand that I’m the type of person that immerses herself in the movie experience. I let my brain go and just fall into the story, the action, the sound. Very enjoyable experience when you can accomplish that (because of your own limitations, and because the story is *that* good).

**Coming Soon**
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead, Harry. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right, and what is easy."
~~Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

What upcoming films are on your "must see" list? Why are they must see? Is there anything coming out soon that you have absolutely no interest in seeing? Why not? Need a reminder of what's coming out in the next two months? Here are direct links to listings of November and December films.

Well, let’s see. Upcoming movies. Definitely the new Harry Potter movie – that’s high on the list of must-see. As is ‘Chronicles of Narnia’. ‘Yours, Mine & Ours’ looks like a good remake, but I’ll wait for DVD on that one and for ‘Walk the Line’. I have, despite my rabid interest in it years ago, have no inclination to see ‘Rent’, but that may be a result of hearing too much about it at work. Still haven’t seen the play, and would really like to, but not for awhile yet. ‘Derailed’, ‘Aeon Flux’, ‘Brokeback Mountain’, ‘The Promise’, ‘TransAmerica’ – they all hold some appeal for me in terms of story, character, and interest level. Yes, can you tell it’s that time of year that my interests turn towards the potential for Oscar winners and the independent films that color this time of year (because of the annual Sundance trek, which I am making yet again). There’s so much that isn’t holding my interest that I won’t bore you by listing it all here.

Oh, yes, for those who are about to suggest ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ – if I never hear that title again, it will be too soon. Again, a work thing that I can’t discuss has prompted this one. Ugh. Maybe I’ll read the book in a year or so.

So that’s it for now… tomorrow I’ll have the most recent Musing on Movies (which I’ve not even read the question of yet), and maybe a few tidbits of life here and there sprinkled throughout.