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Monday, November 07, 2005
Good Morning....

...pardon me while I resist the urge to mimic Robin Williams' cry from "Good Morning, Vietnam". That reminds me... I need to see that movie again. And that I need to finish a few of the Musing on Movie Memes that I've been letting sit for the last couple of weeks.

But this morning is a different sort of meme. This morning is the A List....

We've all heard about random and senseless acts of violence, but what about random acts of kindness? The world and its inhabitants often surprise us with bright spots every once in a while, and sometimes you're compelled to create one of those bright spots yourself, even if its something as simple as a smile at someone who looks like they need one.

Have you ever participated in a random act of kindness for someone – either a stranger or someone you know? Or have you ever been the "target" of a random act of kindness?

Of course. I've let people go ahead of me in line at the store, I've purposely given up parking spots at Christmas time (unless I'm truly desperate), I've sent little gifts here and there to people who needed a pick me up or a just because.

I'm in the process of putting a couple such Random Acts of Kindness packages (RAK's) in the mail now. Heeee. Well, not *right* now, but this week.

I've been on the receiving end too - I've gotten a few tins of my favorite Altoid sours, which are wonderful for keeping in my office when I need a small something sweet (and sour) to pass the day. And I've gotten stitching stash. So have my kids - that was one of the best Random Acts (also known as an evil plot): when a whole bunch of people banded together and made sure that my kids had stitching stash of their very own when DH was being... challenging... in regards to my stitching.

I once had someone pay for my hot chocolate in the drive-thru at Starbucks. I don't know this person. I don't think they knew me. But they told the cashier that they'd pay for mine too. That was a most pleasant surprise.

I have to say, however, that the very best RAK I ever got was a little kit that said "Because Nice Matters". I've never forgotten that one, and I received it completely unexpectedly, and at a point where I was feeling pretty discouraged about a lot of things. I stitched it up, I still need to frame it, and put it up somewhere (quite probably in my office at work) so that I can have it as a constant reminder.

Because nice *does* matter. It's important.

Anyway, that's it for random acts of kindness - go perform one today. Even if it's something as simple as loaning someone a dime for a soda out of the machine, or even telling the guy at the drive-thru that you'll pay for the order of the person in the car behind you.

It's the little things that make the world go round, bring a smile to someone's face, and maybe help build a bright spot in a rather dark existance.