... I stole this from Thermalgal's blog... who got it from a number of people
Instructions: Press each letter in the address bar of your browser and list what the auto-complete function jumps to first.
A -
The ABC Primetime Schedule I was looking for 2005's, but only got 2004's
B -
My Bloglines pageC -
A web dictionary that I didn't know existedD -
E -
F -
Finance on Yahoo, looking at a certain stock price
G -
Go Fug YourselfH -
Hallmark - because someone sent me something that was of the very best...
I -
IMDBJ - Nothing
K -
Kevin and Kell - a fantastic web comic
L -
The LiveJournal of another bloggerM -
My Yahoo pageN -
NetflixO -
Cat's blog (Or So She Says)
P -
The Wagon (since all the Ezboard links start with p...
Q - Nothing
R - Nothing
S -
SilkweaverT -
Thermalgal's blog (from whom I swiped this)
U -
User Friendly - another wonderful web comic
V - Nothing
W -
Um... this very blog.X - Nothing
Y -
A Yahoo Finance story that makes me smile and giggle evillyZ - Nothing
Since I've set the history to keep for only 24 hours, you now know where I've been in the last 24 hours...