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Friday, June 11, 2004
It's Friday...

...and that means the Friday Five!!! Oh yes, folks, the Five is back, but in a different location. Well, I shouldn't trumpet it's return just yet because they've not posted a new Five since the last Friday in May. So I'm going to take one of the ones that they thought up and use that today...

1. What candy is sitting on your desk (or closest to you) right now?
That would be Altoids tangerine sours - they're within arms reach on my desk. Just slightly out of reach in the other direction would be a tin that's filled with Nestle Crunch easter eggs (also known as the ever-present candy jar that's on my desk.

2. What was your favorite candy as a child, and why?
Hrm. That would be a tie between Three Musketeers and M&M's. I couldn't tell you why, that was just what appealed to me the most.

3. What is your least favorite type of candy?
You know those chewy nutty things that you get in boxes of chocolate that very few people like? I hate those too.

4. Name a candy that brings up a vivid memory and describe the memory.
Bubble gum. Bubble Yum Watermelon - that was the very first sweet thing that I had after I got my braces off (and could stand chewing solid food again). If I can't choose gum, then it would have to be Brach's Milk Maid caramels, for the same reason.

5. If you *were* a piece of candy, what candy would you be, and why?
Oooo. I hate questions like this, but then my favorite is asking what kind of ice cream would you be and why... so I should have known this one was coming. I think I'd be a piece of raspberry chocolate Godiva - a little fruity, deep flavored, a little sweet but not overly so.

So, I think that's it from me today. I hope y'all have a great weekend, and play safely. Hopefully the guys at the new Friday Five location (it's a different website now) will put up the new stuff soon, and then we can get on a regular rotation for it again.