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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Random Rambles

... it's that time again for some random stuff...

More on the 50 worst songs...

How come Diamond David Lee Roth's "Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody" didn't make the list?

Cialis, Levitra, and their brethren: The commercials all state that if an erection lasts for more than 4 hours, medical attention should be sought immediately.

For the man, or the woman?

DH and I were watching 'Alias' the other day. DH got up and left and said to call him when they get off the soap opera part of the show.

When he returned he said that the show really should be renamed to 'All My Spy Children' since it seems to be about the children of the spies involved solving all the world's problems (most likely started by the parental spies).

I disagreed on the name. I said it was bad.

'Days of Our Spies' would be much better. And DH agrees.

The strange things I learn in random conversations with people:

Did you know that honeybees are drawn to C4 (an explosive) and that they (bees) may be used at checkpoints to detect it? This made me ask what happens to the soldiers who staff checkpoints who are allergic to bee stings.

That made the individual stop in his tracks, and allowed me to slip my questions in. From the look on his face, according to a friend, I think I short-circuited the dwarf that lives in his head. (Thanks W!)

One of my co-workers in Florida emailed me and said they'd seen a bumper sticker that reminded them of me. It said:

According to my calculations, the problem doesn't exist.

Yup, yup, that's me all over... A few days later he sent me another one:

There are 3 kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can't

I'm beginning to think that Floridians are a little obsessive about data verification.

So, Chevy's - a Mexican food chain in the US - has some radio commercials about these new crab dishes they have. They end each commercial with "some crabs were harmed in the making of these dishes"...

... I wonder how many crustacean lovers have decided to complain to Chevy's for hurting the poor crabs.

If they called them game shows instead of reality shows, would they be as popular? Would there be as many of them?

It certainly would be truer advertising than what it is currently.

Overheard in my own backyard....

DH let me know that "The Granny Smith tree is going nuts", to which I replied that I wanted to bake soon. B yelled "I wanna see the nuts" and ran off.

She came back not 20 seconds later and yelled "You're a liar! There are no nuts!"

Gotta love my kids.

Back to more bad songs... well, bad singers.

According to that paean of intelligent and accurate reporting, the National Enquirer, William Hung (American Idol, "She Bangs") has been getting death threats and is refusing to play clubs or arenas because he is in fear for his life.

If this is actually true, then it's sad that people just don't know how to turn off the radio or television when he's on. Then again, if he never sang in public again would it really be that much of a loss?