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Monday, June 14, 2004
Good Day....

... at least I hope it will be. It's Monday, and that could mean any host of things will happen. But we know that the Stitcher's Five usually happens, and so it did.

And so, here it is...

1. Is your DH/partner supportive of your stitching?
Now, that's a question for the ages. I'm pretty sure that DH is more supportive of my stitching than in past months/years. He was pretty appreciative of that dragon that's hanging in his office, that's for sure.

2. Do you ever stitch in company?
Of course I have. Both A & B stitch, and we've spent time together sitting and stitching. I've stitched with other people in the room who don't stitch, and have just carried conversations on.

3. Been to a GTG (Get ToGether)?
Many, many times. Thus, I have stitched many times in company with other stitchers.

4. Does anyone complain about your stitching?
No, not really. Not anymore. I can't see what there is to complain about - I can follow conversations, contribute to conversations... heck, I can start debates while stitching, and defend the arguments too.

5. Ever had a stranger comment on your stitching?
Many times - I've stitched at LNS' where people have looked over my shoulder and commented on my work (either the technique or the subject matter). The most interesting folks are the ones that encounter me stitching at the annual church flea market - they come right into the booth, stand beside or behind me and watch me work. Inevitably, I make a mistake as a result of that. I did have one woman pick my work up out of my hands, flip it over, snort at the back, and offer to buy the photocopy of my pattern from me. Due to the language barrier (she didn't speak English very well) it was a tense few minutes - so I just packed all my things into my bag, and tucked that under my chair. I think she got the hint that the conversation was over.

That's it for today - I hope you have a nice and relaxing week ahead of you.