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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
I spoke up too soon...

...because today I got yet another request from the ex-boss for something that he needs on Thursday. And it's drop dead important. I told the person who relayed the request the same thing that I told him - there's no way I could put it together by Thursday, and I added the following: unless I drop everything and work solely on that, which wouldn't be a problem if I still worked for the ex-boss but I don't.

*That* is surely going to come back and bite me. And if it doesn't, I'll consider eating all my packs of size 28 Piecemakers.

On Sunday, DH got it in his head that we needed to clean the living room. Right then. That night. This, of course, was after he said that we'd been spending the whole day on our lazy butts doing nothing. Well, let's see - A & B were going through their stitching stash trying to figure out what to work on, and I'd been on the computer for part of the morning working remotely. I wouldn't say that was doing nothing. Yes, we did spend some time goofing off. But we'd also spent some of the time that DH was out of the house on Saturday cleaning up the living room and kitchen.

DH really knows how to try and score points with me right before Valentine's Day, doesn't he?

So... we've moved all the furniture out of the living room, and cleaned windows, baseboards, vacuumed the fireplace out, cleaned the carpets, and will probably move all the furniture back today. I just wish he would see that we really need a new couch. Considering he rarely sits on it, and I'm usually on it with the kids (who have jumped the heck out of my side of it) I can tell it needs replacing... along with the carpet which has bunched up in a couple of places and really needs restretching.

I grew up in a house where we never did anything to make the house look nice and it was always dark inside, because no one ever came over to it. No one was ever allowed to. But still I was embarassed because it looked shabby. Now I have a nice house, filled with light, and we're still not doing anything with it. And it's starting to seem shabby to me.

*sigh* And I can't do everything myself either... it's not like I don't work 10 hours a day, and he's home all the time. When I come home, I want to rest, not throw myself into another 5 hours of physical work on the house.

The kids won't listen to me again.

I shouldn't have put again... they rarely listen to me. I could ask, beg, bribe, and scream at them to do something and they just flat out ignore me. DH asks them once, angrily because I've had it, and they scramble.

Why oh why do my kids not give me the same amount of respect? They listen to their teachers. They'll explain to me that if they don't listen to their teachers they either get in trouble or do stuff wrong. So why can't they apply that same thinking to stuff they do at home?

Sorry for the rant, but I'm fed up today.