If you're confused, I wrote an entry in this blog about what I saw on the back of a Starbucks venti cup one morning because the quote struck a chord with me. Starbucks publishes quotes from customers, musicians, authors, philosophers and more on the back of their cups and calls the series "The Way I See It".
Today's quote is #204:
"Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure. Never forget your Personal Legend. Never forget your dreams. Your silent heart will guide you. Be silent now. It is the possibility of a dream that makes life interesting. You can choose between being a victim of destiny or an adventurer who is fighting for something important."How very many things can we take from this quote - there's a full laundry list.
~Paulo Coelho, Novelist~
First off, one must never forget one's dreams.
Then one should recognize that only the fear of failure will keep you from them.
Then you should remember that the strength inside of you will guide you on the right path to those dreams.
Oh, so many things to talk about! Would you rather be a victim of life and what it throws at people, or would you rather grab life by the throat and make it what *you* want? Or are you just too afraid to go out there and follow that dream?
I don't seem to have a dream to follow these days, except maybe winning the big MegaMillions lottery, but two winning tickets have been sold in states other than mine and I seriously doubt that a ticket will pop up in California as a winner. So, no dream.
I can't say that no dream means no ambition, but I'm certainly not motivated for anything other than getting through each day with a smile. Y'all are going to start thinking I'm depressed or something so I'm going to stop right there. I'm not depressed... I just don't have anything I'm striving for at the moment (except running 5 miles on the treadmill) and I'm not really bothered by it.
But what dreams are you chasing? What dream are you not pursuing because of the fear of failure? And is that fear so far reaching that you couldn't even consider the possibility of success?
Now that's for y'all to think about... not write a book about in the comments section of my blog. But if you end up writing about it in your blog, put the link up here to share...
...and have a great day.