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Friday, February 20, 2004
Random Ramblings....

Did you ever wonder, if the werewolf was going to have a dish of beef chow mein, why he needed to mutilate a little old lady late last night?

Yes, I've been listening to Warren Zevon again...what a perfectly misunderstood musician with a keen knack for absurd lyrics and a great musical hook. Just listen to 'Excitable Boy' or 'Lawyers, Guns and Money' and you'll totally get what I'm talking about. And you have to LISTEN to them, not go hunting for just the lyrics, because you'll totally miss my point.

Speaking of death, I think there are legions of people who want me dead now after posting about my closet that I so adore... that or their DHs/SOs want me dead. I've sent a few people into frenzies - especially when I was able to use such a small space in such a smart way.

Maybe I should go into hiding for awhile...

I sometimes wonder about age differences and how definitions of actions and behaviors change within the different generations. Last night I went to pick up B from her classroom, and the usual extended day teacher was there. She gets up and starts yelling at one of the kids to take the sucker out of his mouth because he would choke on it and she's seen it happen, and for other kids to clean up 'that mess'. They're 6 & 7... they're playing, for gosh sakes. So, in the middle of her tirade she turns to look at me and says 'Sorry, honey, I'm firm" and proceeds to continue yelling at them.

I was asking A 'what is that horrible woman's name' before I was even out the door of the classroom. I swear I heard one of the kids laugh and say that the teacher was going to get in trouble. Those kids know me soooooo well.

Apparently, I'm not the first to complain about that shrew and the principal was going to hear my complaint. I'm sure I'll spend some time in his office today when I pick up. And I'm being nice when I call her a shrew. If she had been yelling at my child, she would have gotten a significant dose of in-your-face anger. You're a teacher, not a drill sargeant. And these are 6 & 7 year olds, not teenagers who could back-talk you if they were upset enough.

Firm, lady? I've heard of softer tactics being used by the Gestapo and the Spanish Inquisition. And yes, I would have told her that. I'm sure we could have also gone round the "I'm the disciplinarian, you're the educator" pole too... and dare she state that I don't discipline my children properly (and she looks like the type to have said that) then the whole school would have felt my rage.

Ok Ok... I'll calm down now.

I recently asked two questions of the DHs on the board that I frequent. They've gone unanswered for about a week now. But they're highly popular in another high traffic area forum that I moderate.

So it makes me wonder why the DHs are afraid of answering questions about the most romantic things they've done, and the stupidest things that they've done. The women aren't afraid to share.

So, I've decided what I'm giving up for Lent. Sodas and chocolate. I did the soda thing last year - that was a long hard 52 days - especially after I had a cycling accident and all I wanted was a big long pull from a can of Coke. I don't know if I'm going to make it, but it certainly can't hurt to attempt to cut that stuff out of my diet, right? It might actually help me reach the body fat reduction goal.

Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent) is this coming Wednesday... I still have time to change my mind. I don't think I will, but this is going to be a hard one.

So....ER. Ok. I'm convinced that Kem is indeed carrying Carter's baby, unless she's a truly heartless woman or completely clueless. But somehow I don't think that this is all going to end up happy. I know someone else's life is going to go down the tubes in the ER...

24 - I hear they're looking for someone who looks like the chick who plays Jack's daughter, but they want someone who has some emotional range... hrm... interesting...

...and now, the Friday Five!

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor?
To have my eyes checked...that was about 6 months ago. To have a 'female appointment', also about 6 months ago. To have a general checkup... um... I really should take better care of myself...I'm the only me I have. And the only mom my kids have.

2. ...went to the dentist?
The kids, DH and I went about two weeks ago. Another wonderful checkup - unfortunately, A is seriously going to need orthodonture. Thankfully, her mouth isn't anywhere near as bad as mine was. I would really hate it if she had to go through the torture and surgeries and pain that I went through.

3. ...filled your gas tank?
That would be about a week and a half ago. I need to do that again today. Gas prices are getting evil again in my area, but thank goodness for my Shell gas card. Gotta love that free tank of gas that I earn by putting my kids school tuition on the card.

4. enough sleep?
How much sleep is enough sleep? There are nights that I only get about 5 1/2 hours and I'm hating life the next day, and there are days that I get 5 1/2 hours and I feel just fine. Today is one of those just fine types of days, although I suspect that I'll be snoozing around the time that StarGate SG1 is ending, and I'll miss something important. Like I did last night watching CSI. I'm sure I missed something important in the last 10 minutes of the show, because I fell asleep with my needle in my hand.

But hey, when I was awake I was really making progress on Guardian...

5. ...backed up your computer? home computer I backed up about a month ago. I should probably do that again. My work computer? Well, I don't think that that's ever been backed up. But I save things frequently to the network server and that's backed up nightly.... they keep trying to convince me when I've lost a file and they can't recover it because the backup is too old.