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Friday, February 13, 2004
It's those little things...

...that make you happy in life.

A smile from your kids. A flower from your spouse. Sadly, I'm lacking both of those things these days. Or maybe the kids have smiled and I didn't notice. But there aren't any flowers.

Is it too much to want that someone tells you that they're proud of you once in a while? Or that they love you? Instead of saying "It's a good start", complimenting you on the progress that you've made thus far? *sigh* Maybe it is asking too much...

... or my expectations are just too high.

...and now, the Friday Five:

1. Are you superstitious?
Yes... sometimes. Today is not a good day to be asking me that considering that it's Friday the 13th. I don't tend to have good days on Friday the 13th. I should be at home under the covers, hiding from the world. And no, that's not because of my general mood of the last few days. That's how I feel about Friday the 13ths.

2. What extremes have you heard of someone going to in the name of superstition?
Isn't what I do mentioned above extreme enough? No? I've heard of people never touching anything electronic and saying novenas the whole day.

3. Believer or not, what's your favorite superstition?
One that I laugh at, or one that I actually think is good? Well... I laugh at the idea that red pepper in your shoes will help you find the job of your dreams. And I've gotten bad luck after breaking a mirror... and it did last 7 years.

4. Do you believe in luck? If yes, do you have a lucky number/article of clothing/ritual?
I believe in a marginal idea of luck. There are lucky people in the world, just as there are unlucky people inthe world. It's all a matter of perception too - the person I think unlucky may have a totally different view of their own life... And July 29ths have always been good days for me - ever since I was 15.

5. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
Yes and no. There are times that I think the stars are lined up just right for me based on strange things that happen in my life. There are times that my horoscope perfectly matches up to my day. So I sort of believe in it retroactively. How's that for a decisive answer? *snort*

Have a good weekend everyone... I'll try to too.