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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Rain, Rain...

......don't go away. Please stay some more and play play play! There was a lovely storm all day yesterday, and just when I was about to go brave it for the drive home, the sun came out.


After going to work out and coming back home, I found that the rain had started up again. So, there I was at home with a lovely storm raging outside. Heavy rain, gale force was great! Then again, maybe I shouldn't be wishing for more rain...

... there was a bigger storm inside the house, considering A & B decided to try and stage WWIII in the house between each other. What is it about those two that when I want to enjoy something for myself - such as sitting and cataloging all my stitching stuff in a nice little black book - that they have to fight with each other and grab my attention.

Especially when they're supposed to be doing homework. Yup. They'll both sit down to do their homework, and then one will start bugging the other until someone ends up crying. I've learned to tune them out, but that doesn't help when the crying turns to a huge production. I've tried separating them, but that doesn't work either. One wanders over to see what the other is doing and it starts all over again, or the other gets stuck and starts crying because she doesn't know how to do something.

What size sledgehammer do I need to pound it into their heads that all they have to do is come ask me or DH for help? Or that they should be working by themselves on their homework. Sheesh, their teachers can get them to keep their eyes on their own papers - why can't they attempt to do that at home?

Of course, DH got mad that I got mad, and once I had it out of my system he had it in his. He didn't even give me a good night kiss last night. He always gives me a good night kiss. Apparently, I brought the 'grumps' home last night (I wasn't feeling very well) and he caught them. When I got home, I didn't feel well and I still managed to go to Curves. I came home and still didn't feel 100%. I set the table, I got the kids started on their homework, I cleared my inbox of the 50 or so spam mails that I'd gotten since I'd left the office, I worked on a cost model that I've been trying to finish for weeks, the kids started fighting and I shut my computer down in frustration because I couldn't think straight about depreciation anymore (I fully intended to come back to it), and then I sit down to work on inventorying my stash into the little black book that I got for just that reason.

That's when he asks if I'd like to do the laundry. So I smile and say 'No, I wouldn't, but-' and get cut off with a sharp and nasty, 'I don't want to do it either, but it needs to get done. You should take a break from your 'fun stuff' and take care of it.' Excuse me? If he'd let me finish my sentence, which instead he just talked over, he would have heard the rest of the joke - 'No, I wouldn't, but I will'.

I think the rest of the people in my house gets the nasties from the rain, which is a crying shame. I love the rain. It calms me down. It makes me happy. I feel fortunate that I have a nice roof over my head that doesn't leak. *sigh* I think the kids were probably out of control because they had been cooped up all day at school because of the rain. I'm not sure why DH got the grumpies, other than from me yelling at the kids when they finally reached a point where someone had poked the other with a pencil in the forehead and no one was saying sorry or explaining why they weren't doing their homework in the first place.

After I yelled at them, they were silent. And industrious. They got all their homework done....

....but I still have a cost model to finish.