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Monday, February 23, 2004
How do they come up with these things?

Did you ever wonder how some things in this life came to be? And no, I'm talking about stuff like the salad spinner. I'm talking about some of the bare essentials in life - like baking. A friend of mine asked me that one day as we're standing in the middle of Quizno's waiting for our sandwiches *waves to K* And I stopped, looked at her blankly, and commented that that was a good one... well....

Back about 8000 years ago, someone figured out that you could throw a dough (not like one we know today) on a stone over a fire and cook it until it seemed edible. As time evolved, so did processes and equipment - like an oven (the first one believed to be invented by the Egyptians), or a pan instead of a stone... adding yeast, letting it ferment... and so on and so forth until today we have the Ron Popeil Bread Machine. Just toss your stuff in, and come back in a few hours and you will have bread.

It all started somewhere, a very long time ago. And since there's no written history going back that far, we're really not totally sure *how* it happened in the first place.

You could probably make the same claim for tons of things - how exactly did people figure out how to fly, or harness electricity for usability, coming up with plumbing, etc etc. In many cases it was a "wouldn't it be great if we could..." and someone with imagination went ahead and tried to do just that.

Sometimes they failed. Sometimes not. Sometimes they failed and kept on trying. Sometimes they had too much time on their hands and just kept coming up with new things.

It's not like humanity evolved and we knew all about the heavens and space travel (we're still learning anew things about both of those daily), or knew that certain things should be baked at a certain temp for a certain amount of time (because that varies too, especially when you create something new), or had pre-defined notions about politics. These are things that just evolved with time, imagination, necessity and creativity.

And a lot of experimentation.

Someone sent me a funny today (thanks Annette) that they heard on a radio show called "Late Night Catechism" The 'sister' on the show made the following comment: "Sins against the Commandments are Mortal Sins as they are sins against the body. Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit... *dramatic pause* ...Who would put a thong on a temple?"

....who indeed?