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Thursday, October 02, 2008
And Another Month Passes...
...still no job, but plenty of nibbles in the last day or so.

Lots of little random things to ponder...

No major stitching projects completed, but I've been working away at a model that's just got backstitching left.

I've read lots of books. I completely recommend 'Grand Theft Childhood: The Truth About Violent Video Games'. It's an eye opener. I think I might read parts of it again and blog that one.

I've dropped another half pound according to the scale at the gym. All my test results are back and everything's fine.

I read in the newspaper that fresh food and nuts will be labeled as to where it's from, but other "processed foods" won't be. Cadbury is recalling chocolate in China, but that doesn't surprise me.

And there's a VP debate tonight that will either be really boring or *really* interesting. I don't think that there's any middle ground on this one. So here's to another month down as we barrel towards the end of 2008...

Yeah, I know. 2009 is almost here.