...It was Mother's Day yesterday here in the U.S. and it was a slightly different one than I normally have.
There was no breakfast in bed, owing to the fact that we needed to be at 9am Mass because the girls were ushers. There were presents, but this year there was one from DH! An out of print, matted, first day issue of a Lady and the Tramp postage stamp. With a colorful still of the doggie couple. I think they call it a commemorative panel. I *must* frame that quickly - thankfully it's a standard size. Oh, and DD#1 gave me her 'pinch pot' that they made in Sculpture class this trimester.
Breakfast was at lunch. Lunch was snacks in mid-afternoon. Dinner was leftovers (that the kids didn't like).
Doctor Who was caught up on, "Kiss Me Goodbye" was watched, and a knitted beaded bracelet was worked on.
That's about it for the day...