...oh yes, I figured that I'd better do an update about that.
DD#1 turned 12 and decided that she had to have a slumber party for her birthday. Which is fine, because we've done those before for her birthday and it's never been a big deal. And it wasn't a big deal this year either - actually, it was easier because the kids are pretty self-sufficient. I just provide food and drink and that's about all they need from me.
So she invited friends, and her sister B, and all was right in her 12 year old world.
So I worked a little while they were playing, and I made sure nothing strange was going on. It was a great day. Then night fell. Then A fell (my fault, I totally take responsibility) and put a tiny tiny chip in her front tooth (back of the tooth, mostly enamel). Then we went for ice cream. Yes, A is fine.
But then bedtime rolled around... lights out time... you can't call it sleep time because slumber party is clearly a misnomer. Those girls didn't settle down to sleep until about 3 in the morning. I slept through most of the noise, but every time DH went downstairs to tell them to be quiet, I woke up.
When they finally went home I said I'd take a nap, but didn't end up doing that. And I think I slept fairly well through the night since then, but I'm still trying to recover...
...so is B - she's still got bags under her 10 year old eyes.