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Monday, July 02, 2007
I'm So Blue...
...BlueToothed, that is.

In case you missed the mention in Friday's discussion of all the freaky people waiting to get their hands on an iPhone, I am equipped with a brand new Motorola KRZR and an accompanying Bluetooth headset. Nifty little thing, I've used it twice since I got it.

I got the new phone because I'm a gadget geek and because my old phone was getting cantankerous and unreliable. And because my New Every Two on Verizon was up and so I could get a new phone without problems. I got the headset because I'm a gadget geek, this phone would support it... and because there's a new law in place in California that practically required me to get it.

Well, not required, per se... Let me explain. When I'm in my car on the way home or on a longer drive to get lunch I give DH a call. The phone I had (the Motorola 260) was a great little phone until the speakerphone died in it. Well, that was the problem with the first one and it rendered the rest of the phone practically useless. So I got a replacement and it worked great up until recently. Then it started getting temperamental and the speaker quality was diminishing. And I couldn't wait to get something new, and I knew just what that new thing was going to be.

DH had gotten a KRZR after much deliberation (and the slow agonizing death of his Motorola 720) and he really liked it. And I was a jealous geek girl because I secretly coveted that phone. Ok, not so secretly - I was darn vocal about it when he got it. But I digress...

I call DH and I like to actually be able to hear him. And I think he'd appreciate it if I don't talk over him, a fact I don't realize until he says something like "fine, don't listen to me" or I ask him to repeat what he says a couple of times, and that's rather annoying for the both of us. So I know I needed a new phone. And the reason for the bluetooth? Well... There's a new law, like I said. You cannot be on your phone in the car unless you are operating it hands free.

That's right, everyone keep their hands on the wheel and use those speakerphones, car kits, or bluetooths. You've got to go handsfree. I was tempted yesterday to whip out my phone (while I was a passenger) and take a photo of someone who had their hands glued to their ears while driving about 75 down the freeway and report them to whomever I could. After all, a law without enforcement isn't a law. But I figure karma (and the Highway Patrol) will catch up with them eventually, and they'll pay the price.

I don't know what that price is, and I don't care. I'm not going to get caught by it because I've got my snazzy bluetooth (and a decent speaker on my phone as a backup when I let the little earthingy run down). So there you have it...

... I'm all about the Blue now.