site stats WhizGidget Wonders...
Friday, July 27, 2007
...Well, it's been long overdue, but the blogroll (in case you didn't notice this about two weeks ago) has been updated. I'll figure out if any other links have changed since I updated sometime in the next couple of weeks, but it's updated.

If your link doesn't show up anymore, there's probably a good reason: either your blog link that I did have wasn't working, didn't redirect to a new home, or you haven't posted to your blog in the last 6 months.

The creator of my template has closed her blog due to a serious grievous event and does not know if she is going to reopen it. I was waiting for her to recreate her templates for the new blogger layout, but it looks like that isn't going to happen. So I will be tinkering with these graphics and recreating the template. Or going with something new. So there will be some tinkering going on.

You know that timestamp there that says 6am? That's probably going to change in a couple of weeks and be random because I won't be getting up at 5am and going to work and posting a blog entry. And blogging might get a little erratic, but you can be pretty sure what I *do* blog will be interesting because I'll have a little more time to make it so.

I'll be taking a week off from blogging shortly. That will be the week of Aug 6. Go prowl through the archives for something old of mine to read if you need a fix.

That's about it. Have a great weekend!