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Monday, August 28, 2006
A Simple Request For Hats... of the wonderful ladies on my stitching board had a slightly unusual request. She asked us all to go shopping for hats for her because she will probably be undergoing chemo and will lose her hair.

So I went shopping, and suggested some nice hats. And then I suggested some sillier hats (at her request). And as I was shopping I found more and more hats that could fit certain situations and moods....

...and this is the result (for those who read the original thread, there are some edits I've made and new additions)

For when you're in a magical chocolate mood, you should get one of Willy Wonka's chapeaus. Sometimes chocolate isn't the right way to go, and you want a more traditionally magical hat. Well, not everyone can be a wizard right away. You need some training first, and that is when will come in handy.

Speaking of being handy - handy people are sometimes good folks to have when you go adventuring. And when you go adventuring you need to wear something appropriate to the occasion. Maybe you don't want to pretend you are an adventurer and instead want to pretend you are somewhere else. Then maybe this hat will suffice. Or maybe you want to pretend you are a pirate instead.

Or would you prefer to be a little Suessical? If the cat isn't your style, or you think that stripes make your head look too wide, you could always try to be the voice of reason.

If Suess' fish isn't your style, and you like Disney more, then go find this hat. If you'd prefer to not be a fish, but still be part of the Disney family, there's always this hat. You could host a tea party and wear it on the days when you feel like you've fallen down the rabbit hole. If you think that's a little too staid for your type of rabbit hole tea party, then wear a tie-dyed version.

Hats are always good for expressing your moods. That's why I like a good propeller beanie but I think it needs brighter primary colors than this one. Of course, not everyone is in a whirly happy silly mood all the time. Sometimes there are things that you're terribly afraid to say or do, and that's when is perfect.

If you're feeling a little out of sorts, maybe this is the right hat for you.

Then, of course, there are those days when you don't want anyone to mess with you. We all have them. So I think this hat is appropriate for those days....

...hey, I think I need one just like that.

For the usually observant, yes, I *did* just change that. For those who aren't as observant, I changed the comment link text.