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Monday, July 12, 2004
It's Monday...

...and time for the stitcher's question of the week! But first...

Thank you to all the folks who have emailed, IM'd and left comments against Friday's blog entry. I think you all number over 100 now. I've never felt such support in the words that I've gotten, even after admitting the full extent of "the crime" - and the sentiment that many of you have almost perfectly echoed each other in your words is amazing. I'm amazed, stunned... and appreciative of the communication.

...And I haven't left the building yet - I've been lurking about anonymously. It's hard to pull away from something that's been part of you for so long.

And now, onto the question of the week...

How do you choose a project? What calls to you the most?

Well, I think that's a matter of how big the pull is when I first get it in my hands. There are some things that I want to start right away, and I tend to resistheirer lure - that way I don't have 100 WIPS - but I'll gather together the right fabric, and any embellishments, and put them in a bag in the WIP drawer. That way they're just about ready to go when I finish something.

Even so, when I'm looking for something new to do, generally something just pops into my mind and I think, 'Hey, yeah, that would be a good project to work on', and I wander off into the closet and pull it all together.

Granted, it's been a long time since I did that as I've had a few generously kitted up things make it into my mailbox in the last year for one reason or another. And my most recent start, Dracolair Creations' "The Phoenix" was something I started kitting up right away - the pull to start that was incredibly strong.

In that case, I let the projects choose me - I think there are a bunch of stitchers that feel the same way.