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Monday, April 26, 2004
It's the Stitcher's Five!

...because I didn't think up another topic this weekend to wonder about...

1. Which do you prefer, Kits or Charts?
Charts, most definitely charts, unless it's something that I cannot get in any other format and must have it (like TW's Guardian or Enchanter).

2. Why?
I have a bunch of stash, and charts make better sense to me - I can use the stash I have. Besides, I've found that a lot of kit materials are of poor quality, and if I'm going to spend a whole bunch of time working on something, I want it to be with materials that are of good quality that I'm going to like working with.

Or maybe I just feel like changing something out, and I don't want to feel guilty about having all this extra stuff around that I probably won't use. Yes, I know, trade fodder - but how many people want kit materials for trade? I've got kit floss from Enchanter that I'll never use and no one's ever taken me up on it (in the non-TW trading forum with all the other stuff I have up there)...

3. How do you organise your materials before you stitch?
Does throwing them on the floor of the closet count? Actually, I tend to gather up all my supplies carefully and put them in a nice fully enclosed plastic mesh bag - fabric, beads, floss, chart, scissors - they all go in. Then I put the bag in the WIP drawer and forget it's there until I'm ready to start something new... which usually isn't until I've finished something old.

4. Do you do anything to the sides of your fabric before starting?
Serge, serge, serge. That's what I bought my tiny serger for. I don't know how people do it - stitching without doing anything to the sides of the fabric, because I always tend to catch the edge, or it starts fraying on its own. So I pull out my serger and make sure those edges are taken care of. Makes it easier when I'm framing anyway.

5. What do you do with the leftovers when your done?
Any leftover materials get put away into their proper places after making sure that I don't need them for another active (or about to be active) project.
Well, that's it for today, I hope I have a couple of things to talk about for the rest of the week... and I hope y'all have a good week.