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Friday, April 23, 2004
The Friday Five...

...since I know that the admin of the Five probably isn't going to post anything, I've pulled an old Five to work with.

Before I do that, however, I want to crow about something: I made my 100 workouts at Curves. I'm very proud of myself for this, I think DH is pretty proud of me for making this milestone, and I don't think anyone else cares, but they can just stuff it. I'm happy.

1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails?
It doesn't say anything. The sig line for me on ezboard says lots and lots of things like 'Minds are for people who think' and 'People are entitled to be stupid but some abuse the privledge'. I suppose if my sig line for my work email said anything it would have my name, the title 'Sr. Business Analyst', my company name and quite possibly my phone number. I leave the fun stuff for the fun places, and the business stuff for the business places.

2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be?
I most certainly did. I used words from James Taylor's 'Never Die Young'...

We were ring-around-the-rosy children
They were circles around the sun
Never give up, never slow down
Never grow old, never ever die young
Other hearts were broken
Other dreams ran dry
But our golden ones sail on
To another land beneath another sky

That song was popular a couple of years before I graduated and no one else had used it. And it said everything that I wanted to say to a couple of people.

3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say?
They'd probably say WIZGDGT - I've been meaning to line that up, but I just haven't gotten around to it. It will probably have to wait until I get that new Forester I want (I'm just waiting on power seats and that climate control system from the Outback to be put into the Forester)... yeah, like *that* is going to happen anytime soon.

4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say?
I've never received anything that I can recall that has been engraved. I've given a couple of things, but never received anything like that. Unless you could the name KitchenAid being stamped into my stand mixer from a couple of years ago.

5. What would you like your epitaph to be?
I've never given that any thought... And I can't think of anything unfortunately.

Well, that's the Five I chose for this week, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.